School Supply Drive

The ACLA School Supply Drive is back!

The mission: Send 40 (or more!) Aloha kids back to school stocked up with brand new supplies and ready to learn!

How? By harnessing the amazing super powers of our community! Over the past two years, YOU have helped send over 230 local kids back to school with supplies. Let’s work together to kick off another successful school year!

Now – August 23rd, we are collecting donations of specific school supplies (new only; only supplies on the list due to new space limitations). We’ve put together a list of the most requested items on local schools’ websites. You are welcome to purchase supplies anywhere and drop them off at the library, or you can shop from home using our Amazon wish list (, and they will be sent directly to the library. You choose! Selections on the wish list are based on school supply lists compiled by local teachers, but feel free to purchase other quantities or brands.

We will hold our school supply free store on Friday, August 25 from 10am-6pm, and Saturday, August 26 from 10am-3pm. We do not require proof of financial need or residency – if you need supplies, we will do our best to help.

Questions? Please contact Library Director Terri Palmer ( Thank you so much for your commitment to helping our kids!