Library Association

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing body for the Aloha Community Library Association. The most important qualification for a board member is a passion to help support the growth and ongoing operations of a library for the community of Aloha.

Requirements for Board Service

  • A demonstrated interest in the organization’s mission and goals
  • Specific experience and/or knowledge in at least one area: Planning, Finance, Development, Community Relations, Communications, Marketing, or Operations
  • Representative of a key aspect or segment of the population of the community
  • A willingness to expand knowledge or board responsibilities through orientation and ongoing training
  • A willingness to represent the organization in the community
  • Six to ten hours per month, including these activities:
    • 3 – 4 hours’ board meetings (preparation and attendance)
    • 2 – 3 hours’ committee meetings (preparation and attendance)
    • 1 – 3 hours’ special requests
  • A willingness to participate in board fundraising activities and make a financial contribution to the organization to the best of one’s ability

Beth Lewis, Board President

Melanie Belles, Vice President

Kim Thomas, Secretary

Jessica Otto, Treasurer

Julie Fairman