ACLA Board Meeting

February 19th, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Aloha Community Library
ACLA Board Meeting @ Aloha Community Library

Board Meeting Agenda
February 19, 2020

  • Call to Order
  • Opening Thoughts
    • From The Library Book by Susan Orlean
  • Approval of December, 2019 Minutes (January meeting was canceled)
  • 2020 Offsite Experience
    • Board Development Opportunity
    • Working with Lori Emerick, former ACLA Board Member & Non-profit Consultant
    • Possible Dates for a 3-hour session
  • Library Director’s Report
  • Development Director’s/Philanthropy Committee Report
    • Corporate Contribution Policy Discussion/Approval
  • Treasurer’s/Finance Committee Report
    • Form 990 Filing
    • Six Month Financial Review
    • Thank you and Farewell to Eric
  • Library Levy Update
    • Voter’s Pamphlet Statement
      • Content
      • Cost
    • Lawn Signs
  • Other Business
  • Board Member Volunteer Hours
  • Adjourn